Harrisonburg Wins the Blue Ridge Cyclocross Cup

Free Grassroots racing was in top form this fall cross season with the second installment of the Blue Ridge Cyclocross Cup. A local series between Staunton, Harrisonburg, and Charlotesville, saw 2 races in each town spaced out across the fall riding season. Every other Tuesday afternoon a race was held in one of the towns. Points were awarded not only for the top 10 positions but also for new riders, number of spectators and participation. The races in Harrisonburg saw 40-60 people turn out for each event, an amazing turnout for such a small local race series. Each race was at a different venue, in town we used Westover for the first race and Ralph Sampson park (in the dark) for the second. Fooftown and Rocktown battled it out for points the entire series but a weak showing but the Foof led to a Rocktown landslide bashing at the last race of the year. Look forward to an even bigger series next year.


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